In addition to our conventional developmental activities with our various partners, we also produce eco-friendly and organic tribal products consisting of honey and vinegar. We do this through Maikal Hills Natural Products Company(MHNPC). The company, set up and registered in 2005, is a non-profit organization that empowers the Bhil and Gond community by giving them access to livelihood options and establishing both forward and backward linkages, linking them with the companies and FPOs at the apex level.


The Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram, launched on 7th January 2014, envisions enabling all adolescents (10-19 yrs of age) in India to realize their full potential by making informed and responsible decisions related to their health and well-being. RKSK introduces community-based interventions through peer educators, re-aligning the existing clinic-based curative approach to focus on a more holistic model based on development and care of adolescents.
CARD along-with National Health Mission, is involved in this initiative in 9 development blocks of Mandla district. CARD has selected 2500 peer educators, including male and female teenagers, aged between 15 and 17 ,also referred to as Saathiya in close to 1225 villages of the Mandla District. 38 master trainers have been selected to impart training to these peer educators(Saathiyaas) and to hold outreach events in all the development blocks of the district. After the selected companions are trained, they can provide health care tips, social advice, skill sharing activities, and career counselling and can organise learning through sports and games to adolescents, creating awareness and transferring knowledge and practical tips. CARD has also selected 10 counsellors who are active in all the community health centers and district hospitals of the Mandla district and do counselling and follow up on the health of the adolescents.
Under NACP-III, the Link Worker Scheme (LWS) was launched to increase the outreach of the HIV-related services to high-risk groups and vulnerable populations in the rural areas. At present, the scheme is being implemented by NACO – National AIDS Control Organization- in more than 135 districts with support from UNDP, UNICEF and USAID. Centre for Advanced Research and Development (CARD) has been selected as lead NGO by MPSAC – Madhya Pradesh State Aids Control Society- for Link Worker Scheme in Ujjain and surrounding villages to implement the campaign of the NACO. CARD is implementing district-level interventions to form a dedicated cadre of village-level link workers, generating awareness and enhancing utilization of prevention, care, and support programs and services. We are contributing to reducing stigma and discrimination by working with the existing village community structural groups like village health committees and positively impacting more than 13000 migrant workers, truckers, and women. Our activities include awareness rallies, health camps, condoms distribution, medical supply mobilization, and the formation and training of community self-help groups, covering more than 100 villages around Ujjain.

We have been supporting the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyaan in implementation of Swachh Bharat Swachh Vidyalaya Mission in MP and Chhattisgarh and have been piloting the 3 star approach for WASH in schools of Chhattisgarh since 2014-15.
During the entire project period, the emphasis was given to developing systems and mechanisms aimed at mainstreaming hand washing in 50 schools of Shivpuri district, improvement of WASH facilities in schools, and improved capacities of SMCs, teachers, and child cabinets to monitor WASH in Schools. Orientation of teachers, child cabinets (Bal Sansad), and meena manch on hygiene promotion and handwashing practice was also carried out as a part of knowledge management and capacity building development plan for scaling up operations.
According to a UN report, India has the third-highest number of people living with HIV in the world with 2.1 million indians accounting for about four out of 10 people infected in the Asia—Pacific region. A large population and a high population density coupled with low literacy level and low level of awareness of STDs only exacerbate the problem. The fight against HIV/AIDS, particularly in rural areas, becomes more pronounced because of stigma and misinformation surrounding HIV. Recognizing the urgency of the problem, CARD, partnering with NACO – National Aids control organization- is working with the Female Sex workers (FSWs) and has implemented Targeted Intervention in Bhopal district with a target of 1200 Female sex workers. Targeted Interventions (TI) are a specific set of HIV/AIDS Control Programme interventions meant specifically to reach out to groups seen to practice high-risk behavior (HRG). CARD has opened a separate office in Bhopal exclusively for the TI project to implement the scheme in the entire Bhopal city and has reached out to 1300 FSWs, achieving 90% % of HIV testing and 90% of syphilis testing in the target group.